Thursday, January 19, 2017

Incorporating Social Studies into ELA

I always like to incorporate the upcoming holidays/events into my classroom. With the inauguration tomorrow and President's Day in a few weeks, I found the perfect opportunity to use my President's Day themed task cards!

These fit perfect into my ELA centers and tied everything together. In Social Studies, we watched a video and discussed the formalities of a presidential inauguration. The students are always interested when you incorporate real life current events!

There are also some great articles on These were perfect for combining Social Studies with ELA reading comprehension! I usually bring my students to the rug and start by going over any vocabulary words I think they may need help with. We then read the article together and discuss it. I send the students off with a partner to read and answer the questions. The students use highlighters to find their answer in the text. 

*Depending on the difficulty of text, I've also done this in groups where the higher group reads independently, the middle group works with a partner or two, and the lower group stays with me.

If you would like to live stream the inauguration tomorrow you can watch it at

If you try house the task cards, let me know how your kids liked them!

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